Videos on Microdermabrasion Machines
0 5982

This video demo and review was originally published on the YouTube on the channel “TrinaDuhra” on Aug 28, 2015. YouTube views at...
0 5467

This video demo and review was originally published on the YouTube on the channel "Dress Yourself Happy by Serein" on 14 July...
0 5989

PMD Video Review and Demo by Alisa Nicole from her YouTube Channel. YouTube views at time of publishing article: 60,197. Video was...
1 5713

Video Demo and Review by "Hollywood Glamour" from her YouTube Channel. She's really great at doing makeup! We're especially wowed by...
0 6247

gliter702 is a YouTuber and a self taught freelance makeup artist. YouTube views at time of publishing article: 71,210. Video was originally...